Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of September, World Trenchless Day serves as a global celebration that shines a spotlight on the many benefits of trenchless technology in underground infrastructure.

World Trenchless Day


Here are just some of trenchless technology’s benefits:



Trenchless methodology is a substantial advantage versus opencut construction methods. Although OSHA regulations assure trench protection and fall arrest systems, the absence of excavation eliminates those issues altogether. Another safety item that benefits from trenchless methods is the potential for traffic accidents, especially accidents from workers performing their duties along roadways with active traffic present. In the case of a manhole rehabilitation, a trenchless rehab job might take 3 or 4 hours versus an excavation project that might have traffic disrupted for multiple days, resulting in increased safety exposure.


Trenchless projects are generally less expensive for several reasons including elimination of structural modification, no excavation, reduced clean-up, less manual labor, and less time required. Additionally, reduced traffic control (lane closure) expense, and in the case of projects necessitating by-pass pumping, faster trenchless technology return to service times shortens by-pass operation.


Trenchless technologies provide significant advantages in the area of environmental impact and help to preserve the natural environment. The reduction, or elimination, of any excavation prevents disturbance to wildlife habitat in the immediate vicinity. Another benefit is the reduction in the amount of waste produced as trenchless methods produce very little waste. Noise pollution is minimized with the elimination of excavating equipment and likewise there is reduced air pollution with the elimination of dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere. Finally, there is a reduction in carbon emissions with the elimination of diesel-powered excavators and equipment.


Reduced impact to the community is a major benefit of trenchless technology. Increased traffic travel times caused by traditional methods that disrupt road surfaces and the corresponding increased fuel consumption caused by those traffic jams are mitigated. Business disruption and negative sales impact caused by traffic or construction interruption, or loss of parking is also alleviated by trenchless methods. The longer time a construction project exists, and the more involved it becomes, the more opportunity exists for an accident to occur. Trenchless technology’s reduced footprint and quick return to service lessens accident exposure. These are quality of life issues that are hard to monetize, but very real, nonetheless.

The POWER of Trenchless Technology is less disturbance to nature and people.

Trenchless Technology magazine helped launch World Trenchless Day in 2016 – a day of celebration that involves everyone who cares about the world’s critical underground infrastructure. It’s a day that brings together the entire trenchless industry — manufacturers, contractors, engineering firms, associations, public works and magazines — to share trenchless technology with the world. The goal is to reach out to those who have not yet realized the impact of trenchless methods on their communities.






Would you like to schedule an in-depth product demonstration to discover the many benefits of trenchless technology? Please call ART at 419-636-2684 or fill out this contact form!