Treatment Plant Lining

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Extend the Life of Your Wastewater Treatment Plant with ART

We understand the critical importance of maintaining and protecting water treatment facilities. As water and wastewater infrastructure continues to age, keeping up with maintenance and repair can become a challenge. Our customizable solutions are specifically designed to safeguard the integrity of tanks and water treatment plants, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.

OBIC Armor Protects From Future Chemical Corrosion

As an OBIC-certified installer, ART uses the OBIC Armor multi-layer system to provide superior protection against corrosion, chemical exposure, and environmental factors, extending the lifespan of your tanks and treatment facilities by 50 years or longer.

Also, many wastewater treatment plant structures are plagued by algae growth which can be very difficult to clean. An OBIC polyurea lining system will create a smooth surface that is not only easier to clean, but also resists algae growth. Examples of successful OBIC lining system applications include:

  • EQ Basins
  • Influent channels
  • Headworks
  • Grit chambers
  • Clarifiers (primary & secondary)
  • Aeration Basins
  • Digesters
  • Distribution tunnels/channels
  • Sludge thickener tanks
  • Chemical storage tanks
  • Filter tanks
  • Chlorine contact chambers

Schedule a Demo!

If you are interested in learning more about the rehabilitation process, ART offers product demonstrations that can be conducted in an optional lunch and learn format. Anyone interested in learning more about ART and the benefits of OBIC products is welcome to attend. 

Contact us for more information or to schedule a free product demonstration.